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Sunday 29 November 2015

It's Time......

Its time to let your energy flow.......
It's time to let your inner light shine
We carry around burdens of the past that no longer serve the life we lead today...

It's time......

To forgive yourself to set yourself free

It's time........

To energise your heart, your body, your soul..your total essence

It's time..........

To heal your broken heart

It's time..........

To stand in your power and let your inner light shine through to everyone

It's time.........

To let your light and kindness touch others and ripple out further and and further to all those you are yet to meet.

It's time........

To heal the world...... One heart at a time.

Email to claim your free consultation to discover any blocks that you may have and how we can work together to dissolve these, so that you can step into your own power and shine out to the world with your inner freedom.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Your Mind is Amazing!

Do you realise you are a walking miracle? 

Every day trillions of cells carry out their functions without you even thinking about them…..until some of them don’t function correctly. 

Whether you are perfectly healthy, or dealing with minor or major health concerns, NOWis the time to learn techniques to restore your body to health or stay healthy.

-why a blue pill works better than a pink one for some symptoms
-how emotional patterns contribute to disease
-whether a positive attitude really contributes to a longer life
-how miraculous healings occur
-the power of the placebo effect
-how affirmations and visualizations can help you heal

Join our workshop to find out more about your mind-body connection